Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What Are The Top 3 Clauses Of A Non Disclosure Agreement?

In a business scenario, the information that is being exchanged in many cases is not a topic of copyright or patent. The disclosing party reveals important details to the receiving party. Thus, it is important to have important clauses in these contracts. Find out about the top 3 clauses of a standard non disclosure agreement. Please visit this site to get a sample non disclosure agreement in Alaska.


Employees acknowledge that the valuable trade secrets and confidential information that they will be exposed to during their period of employment in the company will not be disclosed by him / her. They acknowledge that the company’s trade secrets will not be only restricted to only Business information or Technical information. They also express that they understand that the confidential details can be anything, including product prototype and data secret.

Use of information

A simple non disclosure agreement specifies that the trade secret information and confidential details of the company shall not be used by employees, other than to the extent that is needed for providing the goods or services that are requested by the company.


Employees agree that every work created or developments made by or under the direction of employees in relation with the assignments of the company should be the whole and sole properties of the company. Free non disclosure agreement forms mention that the copyrights and every other proprietary interest in there will belong to the company. A confidentiality agreement also specifies that the other provisions in this type of agreement shall also entirely apply to all these works and developments.

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